vhdMatrix4 Member List

This is the complete list of members for vhdMatrix4, including all inherited members.

addScaled(const vhdMatrix4 &matrix, float s)vhdMatrix4
det(void) const vhdMatrix4
expOf(const vhdMatrix4 &matrix)vhdMatrix4
extract3x3Matrix(vhdMatrix3 &m3x3)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
get(unsigned int row, unsigned int column) const vhdMatrix4 [inline]
getMatrix4() constvhdMatrix4 [inline]
getScale(const vhdVector3 &v)vhdMatrix4 [inline, static]
getScale(vhtReal s_x, vhtReal s_y, vhtReal s_z)vhdMatrix4 [inline, static]
getTrans(const vhdVector3 &v)vhdMatrix4 [inline, static]
getTrans(vhtReal t_x, vhtReal t_y, vhtReal t_z)vhdMatrix4 [inline, static]
IDENTITYvhdMatrix4 [static]
inverse(vhdMatrix4 &result) const vhdMatrix4
invertFrom(const vhdMatrix4 &matrix)vhdMatrix4
isIdentity() constvhdMatrix4 [inline]
isTrueIdentity() constvhdMatrix4 [inline]
isTrueZero() constvhdMatrix4 [inline]
isZero() constvhdMatrix4 [inline]
logOf(const vhdMatrix4 &matrix)vhdMatrix4
makeTrans(const vhdVector3 &v)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
makeTrans(vhtReal tx, vhtReal ty, vhtReal tz)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
mult(const vhdMatrix4 &m2)vhdMatrix4
multLeft(const vhdMatrix4 &m1)vhdMatrix4
negate(void)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
normInfinity(void) const vhdMatrix4
operator *(const vhdMatrix4 &m2) const vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator *(const vhdVector4 &v) const vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator *(const vhdVector3 &v) const vhdMatrix4
operator *=(const vhdMatrix4 &m2)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator vhtReal *()vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator!=(const vhdMatrix4 &m2) const vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator+(const vhdMatrix4 &m2) const vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator+=(const vhdMatrix4 &m2)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator-(const vhdMatrix4 &m2) const vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator-=(const vhdMatrix4 &m2)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator<<(std::ostream &o, const vhdMatrix4 &m)vhdMatrix4 [friend]
operator=(const vhdMatrix3 &mat3)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator==(const vhdMatrix4 &m2) const vhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator[](int iRow) constvhdMatrix4 [inline]
operator[](unsigned iRow) const vhdMatrix4 [inline]
rotation(const vhdVector3 &axis, vhtReal angle)vhdMatrix4 [static]
scale(const float s)vhdMatrix4
set(unsigned int row, unsigned int column, vhtReal value)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
setIdentity()vhdMatrix4 [inline]
setOrthoProj(vhtReal left, vhtReal top, vhtReal right, vhtReal bottom, vhtReal znear, vhtReal zfar)vhdMatrix4
setOrthoProj(vhtReal width, vhtReal height, vhtReal znear, vhtReal zfar)vhdMatrix4
setPerspectiveProj(vhtReal left, vhtReal right, vhtReal bottom, vhtReal top, vhtReal znear, vhtReal zfar)vhdMatrix4
setPerspectiveProj(vhtReal width, vhtReal height, vhtReal znear, vhtReal zfar)vhdMatrix4
setPerspectiveProjFov(vhtReal verticalFov, vhtReal aspectRatio, vhtReal znear, vhtReal zfar)vhdMatrix4
setScale(const vhdVector3 &v)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
setTrans(const vhdVector3 &v)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
setView(const vhdVector3 &eye, const vhdVector3 &lookAt, const vhdVector3 &up)vhdMatrix4
setZero()vhdMatrix4 [inline]
sqrt(void)vhdMatrix4 [private]
transpose(void)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
vhdMatrix4()vhdMatrix4 [inline]
vhdMatrix4(const vhtReal *pm)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
vhdMatrix4(vhtReal m00, vhtReal m01, vhtReal m02, vhtReal m03, vhtReal m10, vhtReal m11, vhtReal m12, vhtReal m13, vhtReal m20, vhtReal m21, vhtReal m22, vhtReal m23, vhtReal m30, vhtReal m31, vhtReal m32, vhtReal m33)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
vhdMatrix4(const vhdMatrix3 &m)vhdMatrix4 [inline]
ZEROvhdMatrix4 [static]

Generated on Thu Jan 18 10:06:24 2007 for vhdPLUS by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1