NodeMaterial Member List

This is the complete list of members for NodeMaterial, including all inherited members.

_fieldsNode [protected]
_flagsNode [protected]
_inputsNode [protected]
_nameNode [protected]
_numEventInsNode [protected]
_numEventOutsNode [protected]
_numFieldsNode [protected]
_outputsNode [protected]
_parentsNode [protected]
_protoNode [protected]
_refsNode [protected]
_sceneNode [protected]
addInput(int eventIn, Node *src, int eventOut)Node
addOutput(int eventOut, Node *dst, int eventIn)Node
addParent(Node *parent, int field)Node
bind()NodeMaterial [virtual]
clearFlag(int flag)Node [inline]
copy() constNodeMaterial [inline, virtual]
draw()Node [inline, virtual]
drawHandle(const Vec3f &pos)Node
drawHandles()Node [inline, virtual]
findChild(Node *child, int field) const Node
getField(int index) constNode
getFlag(int flag) constNode [inline]
getHandle(int, int *, int *)Node [inline, virtual]
getInput(int i)Node [inline]
getName() constNode [inline]
getNodeClass() constNodeMaterial [inline, virtual]
getNumEventIns() constNode [inline]
getNumEventOuts() constNode [inline]
getNumFields() constNode [inline]
getNumParents() constNode [inline]
getOutput(int i)Node [inline]
getParent(int index) constNode [inline]
getParentField(int index) constNode [inline]
getProto() constNode [inline]
getScene() constNode [inline]
getType() constNodeMaterial [inline, virtual]
hasAncestor(Node *node) constNode
lookupEventIn(const std::string &name) const Node
lookupEventOut(const std::string &name) const Node
needsDEF() constNode
Node(Scene *scene, Proto *proto)Node
Node(const Node &node)Node
NodeMaterial(Scene *scene, Proto *proto)NodeMaterial
preDraw()Node [inline, virtual]
ref()Node [inline]
removeInput(int eventIn, Node *src, int eventOut)Node
removeOutput(int eventOut, Node *dst, int eventIn)Node
removeParent(Node *parent, int field)Node
setField(int index, FieldValue *value)Node [virtual]
setFlag(int flag)Node [inline]
setHandle(int, const Vec3f &)Node [inline, virtual]
setName(const char *name)Node [inline]
setName(const std::string name)Node [inline]
transform()Node [inline, virtual]
transformForHandle(int)Node [inline, virtual]
unbind()NodeMaterial [virtual]
unref()Node [inline]
update()Node [virtual]
write(FILE *f, int indent)Node [virtual]
writeFields(FILE *f, int indent)Node [protected]
writeRoutes(FILE *f, int indent) const Node [protected]
~Node()Node [protected, virtual]
~NodeMaterial()NodeMaterial [inline, virtual]

Generated on Thu Jan 18 10:06:19 2007 for vhdPLUS by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1