vhdICameraProperty Class Reference

#include <vhdICameraProperty.h>

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

virtual Type getCameraType (void) const =0
virtual bool setCameraType (const Type camtype)=0
virtual bool getPosition (float curposition[3]) const =0
virtual bool setPosition (const float newposition[3])=0
virtual bool setPosition (const float x, const float y, const float z)=0
virtual bool getOrientation (float currotation[4]) const =0
virtual bool setOrientation (const float newrotation[4])=0
virtual bool setOrientation (const float rx, const float ry, const float rz, const float aa)=0
virtual bool haveFixedNearClipping (void) const =0
virtual bool setNearClip (const float nearClip)=0
virtual bool setFixedNearClip (const float nearClip)=0
virtual float getNearClip (void) const =0
virtual bool haveFixedFarClipping (void) const =0
virtual bool setFarClip (const float farClip)=0
virtual bool setFixedFarClip (const float farClip)=0
virtual float getFarClip (void) const =0
virtual bool setHorizFOV (const float horizFOV)=0
virtual float getHorizFOV (void) const =0
virtual bool setVertFOV (const float vertFOV)=0
virtual float getVertFOV (void) const =0
virtual bool setHorizFOVOff (const float horizFOVOff)=0
virtual float getHorizFOVOff (void) const =0
virtual bool setVertFOVOff (const float vertFOVOff)=0
virtual float getVertFOVOff (void) const =0
virtual bool setWidth (const float width)=0
virtual float getWidth (void) const
virtual bool setHeight (const float height)=0
virtual float getHeight (void) const
virtual bool setCenter (const float center[2])=0
virtual bool getCenter (float center[2]) const =0
virtual bool setCenter (const float v0, const float v1)=0
virtual bool getCenter (float &v0, float &v1) const =0
virtual bool setProjMatrix (double *projMat)=0
virtual bool setProjMatrix (double a0, double a1, double a2, double a3, double a4, double a5, double a6, double a7, double a8, double a9, double a10, double a11, double a12, double a13, double a14, double a15)=0
virtual bool getProjMatrix (double **projMat) const =0
virtual bool setModelViewMatrix (double *mvMat)=0
virtual bool getModelViewMatrix (double **mvMat) const =0
virtual bool isPointVisible (const float point[3]) const =0
virtual bool isStereo (void) const =0
virtual bool isDrawingStereoCalibrationObjects (void) const =0
virtual bool drawStereoCalibrationObjects (const bool dodraw=true)=0
virtual bool setStereoFovNearFar (const float hfov, const float vfov, const float nearr, const float farr, const float screenDistance=-1.0f)=0
virtual bool getStereoFovNearFar (float &hfov, float &vfov, float &nearr, float &farr, float &screenDistance) const=0
virtual bool setStereoScreenDistance (const float screenDistance)=0
virtual float getStereoScreenDistance (void) const =0
virtual bool setStereoEyeDistance (const float edist)=0
virtual float getStereoEyeDistance (void) const =0
virtual bool setStereoHMDOffset (const float offset)=0
virtual float getStereoHMDOffset (void) const =0
virtual bool resetViewpoint ()=0
virtual bool unbindViewpoint ()=0
virtual bool unbindAnimViewpoint ()=0
virtual bool bindNextViewpoint ()=0
virtual bool bindNextStaticViewpoint (const int vpid)=0
virtual bool bindNextAnimViewpoint (const int vpid)=0
virtual bool bindPrevViewpoint ()=0
virtual bool bindPrevAnimViewpoint ()=0
virtual bool bindViewpoint (const int vpid)=0
virtual bool bindAnimViewpoint (const int vpid)=0
virtual int getBoundViewpoint (void) const =0
virtual int getNumberOfViewpoints (void) const =0
virtual int getNumberOfAnimViewpoints (void) const =0
virtual const std::string getViewpointNameByIndex (const int vid) const =0
virtual const std::string getAnimViewpointNameByIndex (const int vid) const =0
virtual bool getViewpointPositionByIndex (const int vid, float pos[3]) const =0
virtual bool getViewpointOrientationByIndex (const int vid, float rot[4]) const =0
virtual float getViewpointFOVByIndex (const int vid) const =0
virtual bool setViewpointNameByIndex (const int vid, const std::string &vpname)=0
virtual bool setViewpointFOVByIndex (const int vid, const float vpFOV)=0
virtual bool setViewpointPositionByIndex (const int vid, const float pos[3])=0
virtual bool setViewpointOrientationByIndex (const int vid, const float rot[4])=0

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum vhdICameraProperty::Type


Member Function Documentation

virtual Type vhdICameraProperty::getCameraType ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets the type of camera.


current Type.
control,: the target camera Type.
locker,: the Service that holds the lock if any.
true if successful, false if service is locked by another service.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setCameraType ( const Type  camtype  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getPosition ( float  curposition[3]  )  const [pure virtual]

Retrieve the current camera position.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setPosition ( const float  newposition[3]  )  [pure virtual]

Set the new position of the Camera.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setPosition ( const float  x,
const float  y,
const float  z 
) [pure virtual]

Set the new position of the Camera directly with coordinates

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getOrientation ( float  currotation[4]  )  const [pure virtual]

Retrieve the current orientation of the camera.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setOrientation ( const float  newrotation[4]  )  [pure virtual]

Set the new orientation of the entity.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setOrientation ( const float  rx,
const float  ry,
const float  rz,
const float  aa 
) [pure virtual]

Set the new orientation of the entity directly with quaternion values

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::haveFixedNearClipping ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets nearClip. Distance to the near clip plane in the direction of view.

false if camera type is MATRIX or is locked by other service. Distance to the near clip plane in the direction of view. In the 'Fixed' method the value never change while in the other setter turns on the dynamic clipping plane adjustement.

false if camera type is MATRIX or is locked by other service.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setNearClip ( const float  nearClip  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setFixedNearClip ( const float  nearClip  )  [pure virtual]

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getNearClip ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::haveFixedFarClipping ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets farClip. Distance to the far clip plane in the direction of view.

false if camera type is MATRIX or is locked by other service. In the 'Fixed' method the value never change while in the other setter turns on the dynamic clipping plane adjustement.

false if camera type is MATRIX or is locked by other service.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setFarClip ( const float  farClip  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setFixedFarClip ( const float  farClip  )  [pure virtual]

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getFarClip ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setHorizFOV ( const float  horizFOV  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets horizFOV. Horizontal field-of-view angle, in degrees.

false if camera type is not PERSPECTIVE or is locked by other service.

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getHorizFOV ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setVertFOV ( const float  vertFOV  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets vertFOV. Vertical field-of-view angle, in degrees.

false if camera type is not PERSPECTIVE or is locked by other service.

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getVertFOV ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setHorizFOVOff ( const float  horizFOVOff  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets horizFOVOff . Horizontal field-of-view offset angle, in degrees. This is the angle between the center line of the camera and the -z axis, when projected onto the xz plane.

false if camera type is not PERSPECTIVE or is locked by other service.

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getHorizFOVOff ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setVertFOVOff ( const float  vertFOVOff  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets vertFOVOff . Vertical field-of-view offset angle, in degrees. This is the angle between the center line of the camera and the -z axis, when projected onto the yz plane. When both horizontal and vertical field-of-view offsets are 0.0 the camera is symmetric.

false if camera type is not PERSPECTIVE or is locked by other service.

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getVertFOVOff ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setWidth ( const float  width  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets width. Width of the box that forms the orthographic projection.

false if camera type is not ORTHOGRAPHIC or is locked by other service.

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getWidth ( void   )  const [virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setHeight ( const float  height  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets height. Height of the box that forms the orthographic projection.

false if camera type is not ORTHOGRAPHIC or is locked by other service.

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getHeight ( void   )  const [virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setCenter ( const float  center[2]  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets center. Center of the box that forms the orthographic projection. (The eye-space center on the near plane.)

false if camera type is not ORTHOGRAPHIC or is locked by other service.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getCenter ( float  center[2]  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setCenter ( const float  v0,
const float  v1 
) [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getCenter ( float &  v0,
float &  v1 
) const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setProjMatrix ( double *  projMat  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets the projection matrix.

false if camera type is not MATRIX or is locked by other service.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setProjMatrix ( double  a0,
double  a1,
double  a2,
double  a3,
double  a4,
double  a5,
double  a6,
double  a7,
double  a8,
double  a9,
double  a10,
double  a11,
double  a12,
double  a13,
double  a14,
double  a15 
) [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getProjMatrix ( double **  projMat  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setModelViewMatrix ( double *  mvMat  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets the model view matrix.

false if camera type is not MATRIX or is locked by other service.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getModelViewMatrix ( double **  mvMat  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::isPointVisible ( const float  point[3]  )  const [pure virtual]

Visibility test in the view frustum (might not work for some type of camera).

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::isStereo ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

Tells if the camera is in stereo mode. There is no way to switch it in stereo here, you must go to vhdViewerService for that.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::isDrawingStereoCalibrationObjects ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

Check if drawing Stereo calibration objects (must be in stereo)

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::drawStereoCalibrationObjects ( const bool  dodraw = true  )  [pure virtual]

Set on/off the drawing of Stereo calibration objects (must be in stereo)

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setStereoFovNearFar ( const float  hfov,
const float  vfov,
const float  nearr,
const float  farr,
const float  screenDistance = -1.0f 
) [pure virtual]

Set Stereo View parameters. hfov and vfov are expressed in degrees. nearr and farr are in metres with respects to camera. screenDistance is the distance (metres) from the virtual cameras to the "center of interest" of the scene. If screenDistance < 0.0f current screenDistance is kept unchanged.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getStereoFovNearFar ( float &  hfov,
float &  vfov,
float &  nearr,
float &  farr,
float &  screenDistance 
) const [pure virtual]

Get Stereo View parameters. hfov and vfov are expressed in degrees. nearr and farr are in metres with respects to camera. screenDistance is the distance (metres) from the virtual cameras to the "center of interest" of the scene. If screenDistance < 0.0f current screenDistance is kept unchanged.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setStereoScreenDistance ( const float  screenDistance  )  [pure virtual]

Set Stereo Screen distance

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getStereoScreenDistance ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

Get Stereo Screen distance Returns -1.0f upon error.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setStereoEyeDistance ( const float  edist  )  [pure virtual]

Set Stereo Eye distance

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getStereoEyeDistance ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

Get Stereo Eye distance Returns -1.0f upon error.

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setStereoHMDOffset ( const float  offset  )  [pure virtual]

Sets & Gets HMD Offset. Horizontal distance between right & left display screen centers.

false if camera type is MATRIX or is locked by other service.

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getStereoHMDOffset ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::resetViewpoint (  )  [pure virtual]

Viewpoints accessors

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::unbindViewpoint (  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::unbindAnimViewpoint (  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::bindNextViewpoint (  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::bindNextStaticViewpoint ( const int  vpid  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::bindNextAnimViewpoint ( const int  vpid  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::bindPrevViewpoint (  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::bindPrevAnimViewpoint (  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::bindViewpoint ( const int  vpid  )  [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::bindAnimViewpoint ( const int  vpid  )  [pure virtual]

virtual int vhdICameraProperty::getBoundViewpoint ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual int vhdICameraProperty::getNumberOfViewpoints ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual int vhdICameraProperty::getNumberOfAnimViewpoints ( void   )  const [pure virtual]

virtual const std::string vhdICameraProperty::getViewpointNameByIndex ( const int  vid  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual const std::string vhdICameraProperty::getAnimViewpointNameByIndex ( const int  vid  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getViewpointPositionByIndex ( const int  vid,
float  pos[3] 
) const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::getViewpointOrientationByIndex ( const int  vid,
float  rot[4] 
) const [pure virtual]

virtual float vhdICameraProperty::getViewpointFOVByIndex ( const int  vid  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setViewpointNameByIndex ( const int  vid,
const std::string &  vpname 
) [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setViewpointFOVByIndex ( const int  vid,
const float  vpFOV 
) [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setViewpointPositionByIndex ( const int  vid,
const float  pos[3] 
) [pure virtual]

virtual bool vhdICameraProperty::setViewpointOrientationByIndex ( const int  vid,
const float  rot[4] 
) [pure virtual]

Generated on Thu Jan 18 10:06:23 2007 for vhdPLUS by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1