vhtBasic.h File Reference

#include <vhdFundamental/vhdExport.h>
#include <vhdFundamental/vhtSTL.h>
#include <OpenThreads/Mutex>
#include <OpenThreads/Thread>
#include <OpenThreads/ScopedLock>
#include <OpenThreads/Condition>
#include <typeinfo>


struct  vhtVec2f
struct  vhtVec3f
struct  vhtVec4f
struct  vhtMat22f
struct  vhtMat33f
struct  vhtMat44f
struct  vhtVec2d
struct  vhtVec3d
struct  vhtVec4d
struct  vhtMat22d
struct  vhtMat33d
struct  vhtMat44d


#define VHD_TARGET_WIN32
#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846
#define VHT_TIME_MAX   (+2147483647.000)
#define VHT_TIME_MIN   (-2147483648.000)
#define vhdCLASS_DECLARATION(className)
#define vhdCLASS_TYPE
#define vhdCLASS_TYPE_INIT(className, superClassName)
#define vhdNEW(vhdClassName, params)   (vhdClassName ## Ref (new vhdClassName params))
#define vhdREF_ASSURE_DYNAMIC_CAST(vhdClassName, vhdClassRefObj)   (vhdClassName##Ref((vhdClassName *) (_vhdGlobalDynamicCastFunction<vhdClassName>((vhdClassName *)(vhdClassRefObj).get()))))
#define vhdREF_DYNAMIC_CAST(vhdClassName, vhdClassRefObj)   vhdClassName##Ref((vhdClassName *) dynamic_cast<const vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))
#define vhdCONST_REF_ASSURE_DYNAMIC_CAST(vhdClassName, vhdClassRefObj)   (vhdClassName##ConstRef((const vhdClassName *) (_vhdGlobalDynamicCastFunction<vhdClassName>((const vhdClassName *)(vhdClassRefObj).get()))))
#define vhdCONST_REF_DYNAMIC_CAST(vhdClassName, vhdClassRefObj)   vhdClassName##ConstRef((const vhdClassName *) dynamic_cast<const vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))
#define vhdREF_CONST_CAST(vhdClassName, vhdClassRefObj)   (vhdClassName##Ref((vhdClassName *) (const_cast<vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))))
#define vhdREF_IS_OF_CLASS(vhdClassName, vhdClassRefObj)   ((dynamic_cast<const vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get())) ? true : false)
#define vhdREF_STATIC_CAST(vhdClassName, vhdClassRefObj)   (vhdClassName##Ref(((vhdClassName *) static_cast<vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))))
#define vhdCONST_REF_STATIC_CAST(vhdClassName, vhdClassRefObj)   (vhdClassName##ConstRef(((const vhdClassName *) static_cast<const vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))))
#define vhdSYNCHRONIZED(pMonitorObjectPtr)   OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::RecursiveMutex> synchronizedMonitorGuard ## __LINE__ ( * ( (OpenThreads::RecursiveMutex*)pMonitorObjectPtr) );
#define vhdABS(a)   (((a)<0) ? -(a) : (a))
#define vhdROUND(a)   floor((a)+0.5)
#define vhdZSGN(a)   (((a)<0) ? -1 : (a)>0 ? 1 : 0)
#define vhdSGN(a)   (((a)<0) ? -1 : 1)
#define vhdSHOUT(x)   if (!(x)) fprintf(stderr,"\n x\n");
#define vhdSQR(a)   ((a)*(a))
#define vhdMIN(a, b)   (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define vhdMAX(a, b)   (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#define vhdSWAP(a, b)   { a^=b; b^=a; a^=b; }
#define vhdLERP(a, l, h)   ((l)+(((h)-(l))*(a)))
#define vhdCLAMP(v, l, h)   ((v)<(l) ? (l) : (v) > (h) ? (h) : v)
#define vhdJOIN2(name1, name2)   _vhdJOIN2_IMPL1( name1, name2)
#define _vhdJOIN2_IMPL1(name1, name2)   _vhdJOIN2_IMPL2( name1, name2)
#define _vhdJOIN2_IMPL2(name1, name2)   name1##name2
#define vhdJOIN3(name1, name2, name3)   _vhdJOIN3_IMPL1( name1, name2, name3)
#define _vhdJOIN3_IMPL1(name1, name2, name3)   _vhdJOIN3_IMPL2( name1, name2, name3)
#define _vhdJOIN3_IMPL2(name1, name2, name3)   name1##name2##name3
#define vhdJOIN4(name1, name2, name3, name4)   _vhdJOIN4_IMPL1( name1, name2, name3, name4)
#define _vhdJOIN4_IMPL1(name1, name2, name3, name4)   _vhdJOIN4_IMPL2( name1, name2, name3, name4)
#define _vhdJOIN4_IMPL2(name1, name2, name3, name4)   name1##name2##name3##name4


typedef char vhtByte
typedef unsigned char vhtUByte
typedef short vhtShort
typedef unsigned short vhtUShort
typedef int vhtInt
typedef unsigned int vhtUInt
typedef long vhtLong
typedef long vhtULong
typedef char vhtInt8
typedef unsigned char vhtUInt8
typedef short vhtInt16
typedef unsigned short vhtUInt16
typedef int vhtInt32
typedef unsigned int vhtUInt32
typedef __int64 vhtInt64
typedef unsigned __int64 vhtUInt64
typedef bool vhtBool
typedef char vhtChar
typedef int vhtEnum32
typedef unsigned int vhtMemAddr32
typedef unsigned long vhtSize32
typedef float vhtFloat
typedef double vhtDouble
typedef double vhtTime

Define Documentation

#define _vhdJOIN2_IMPL1 ( name1,
name2   )     _vhdJOIN2_IMPL2( name1, name2)

#define _vhdJOIN2_IMPL2 ( name1,
name2   )     name1##name2

#define _vhdJOIN3_IMPL1 ( name1,
name3   )     _vhdJOIN3_IMPL2( name1, name2, name3)

#define _vhdJOIN3_IMPL2 ( name1,
name3   )     name1##name2##name3

#define _vhdJOIN4_IMPL1 ( name1,
name4   )     _vhdJOIN4_IMPL2( name1, name2, name3, name4)

#define _vhdJOIN4_IMPL2 ( name1,
name4   )     name1##name2##name3##name4

#define FALSE   0

vhdOSGBackgroundProperty, vhdOSGGeometryProperty, and vhdOSGViewerService::XML-Config.

#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846

#define TRUE   1

vhdOSGBackgroundProperty, and vhdOSGGeometryProperty.

#define VHD_TARGET_WIN32

#define vhdABS (  )     (((a)<0) ? -(a) : (a))

#define vhdCLAMP ( v,
 )     ((v)<(l) ? (l) : (v) > (h) ? (h) : v)

#define vhdCLASS_DECLARATION ( className   ) 


class className; \
typedef vhdRef<className> className##Ref; \
typedef vhdRef<const className> className##ConstRef;

#define vhdCLASS_TYPE


private: \
                static vhdClassTypeRef _classType; \
                static vhdClassTypeRef _initClassType(); \
        public: \
                static vhdClassTypeRef classType() { \
                        if (_classType == 0) _initClassType(); \
                        return _classType; \
                } \
                virtual vhdClassTypeRef objectType() const { \
                        return this->_classType; \
                } \

#define vhdCLASS_TYPE_INIT ( className,
superClassName   ) 


vhdClassTypeRef className::_classType = _initClassType(); \
vhdClassTypeRef className::_initClassType() { \
    if (0 != _classType) return _classType; \
        vhdSys::assureStaticInit(); \
    _classType = vhdClassTypeRef(new vhdClassType( superClassName::classType(), #className)); \
    return _classType; \


#define vhdCONST_REF_ASSURE_DYNAMIC_CAST ( vhdClassName,
vhdClassRefObj   )     (vhdClassName##ConstRef((const vhdClassName *) (_vhdGlobalDynamicCastFunction<vhdClassName>((const vhdClassName *)(vhdClassRefObj).get()))))

#define vhdCONST_REF_DYNAMIC_CAST ( vhdClassName,
vhdClassRefObj   )     vhdClassName##ConstRef((const vhdClassName *) dynamic_cast<const vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))

#define vhdCONST_REF_STATIC_CAST ( vhdClassName,
vhdClassRefObj   )     (vhdClassName##ConstRef(((const vhdClassName *) static_cast<const vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))))

#define vhdJOIN2 ( name1,
name2   )     _vhdJOIN2_IMPL1( name1, name2)

#define vhdJOIN3 ( name1,
name3   )     _vhdJOIN3_IMPL1( name1, name2, name3)

#define vhdJOIN4 ( name1,
name4   )     _vhdJOIN4_IMPL1( name1, name2, name3, name4)

#define vhdLERP ( a,
 )     ((l)+(((h)-(l))*(a)))

#define vhdMAX ( a,
 )     (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))

#define vhdMIN ( a,
 )     (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))

#define vhdNEW ( vhdClassName,
params   )     (vhdClassName ## Ref (new vhdClassName params))

#define vhdREF_ASSURE_DYNAMIC_CAST ( vhdClassName,
vhdClassRefObj   )     (vhdClassName##Ref((vhdClassName *) (_vhdGlobalDynamicCastFunction<vhdClassName>((vhdClassName *)(vhdClassRefObj).get()))))

#define vhdREF_CONST_CAST ( vhdClassName,
vhdClassRefObj   )     (vhdClassName##Ref((vhdClassName *) (const_cast<vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))))

#define vhdREF_DYNAMIC_CAST ( vhdClassName,
vhdClassRefObj   )     vhdClassName##Ref((vhdClassName *) dynamic_cast<const vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))

#define vhdREF_IS_OF_CLASS ( vhdClassName,
vhdClassRefObj   )     ((dynamic_cast<const vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get())) ? true : false)

#define vhdREF_STATIC_CAST ( vhdClassName,
vhdClassRefObj   )     (vhdClassName##Ref(((vhdClassName *) static_cast<vhdClassName *>((vhdClassRefObj).get()))))

#define vhdROUND (  )     floor((a)+0.5)

#define vhdSGN (  )     (((a)<0) ? -1 : 1)

#define vhdSHOUT (  )     if (!(x)) fprintf(stderr,"\n x\n");

#define vhdSQR (  )     ((a)*(a))

#define vhdSWAP ( a,
 )     { a^=b; b^=a; a^=b; }

#define vhdSYNCHRONIZED ( pMonitorObjectPtr   )     OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::RecursiveMutex> synchronizedMonitorGuard ## __LINE__ ( * ( (OpenThreads::RecursiveMutex*)pMonitorObjectPtr) );

#define vhdZSGN (  )     (((a)<0) ? -1 : (a)>0 ? 1 : 0)

#define VHT_TIME_MAX   (+2147483647.000)

#define VHT_TIME_MIN   (-2147483648.000)

Typedef Documentation

typedef bool vhtBool

typedef char vhtByte

typedef char vhtChar

typedef double vhtDouble

typedef int vhtEnum32

typedef float vhtFloat

typedef int vhtInt

typedef short vhtInt16

typedef int vhtInt32

typedef __int64 vhtInt64

typedef char vhtInt8

typedef long vhtLong

typedef unsigned int vhtMemAddr32

typedef short vhtShort

typedef unsigned long vhtSize32

typedef double vhtTime

typedef unsigned char vhtUByte

typedef unsigned int vhtUInt

typedef unsigned short vhtUInt16

typedef unsigned int vhtUInt32

typedef unsigned __int64 vhtUInt64

typedef unsigned char vhtUInt8

typedef long vhtULong

typedef unsigned short vhtUShort

Generated on Thu Jan 18 10:06:16 2007 for vhdPLUS by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1