NodeBox Class Reference

#include <NodeBox.h>

Inheritance diagram for NodeBox:

Node List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 NodeBox (Scene *scene, Proto *proto)
virtual ~NodeBox ()
virtual int getType () const
virtual Nodecopy () const
virtual int getNodeClass () const
virtual void draw ()
virtual void drawHandles ()
virtual Vec3f getHandle (int handle, int *constraint, int *field)
virtual void setHandle (int handle, const Vec3f &v)

Detailed Description

According to the Box Node of VRML97 specification.

  Box { 
  field    SFVec3f size  2 2 2        # (0, )

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NodeBox::NodeBox ( Scene scene,
Proto proto 

virtual NodeBox::~NodeBox (  )  [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual int NodeBox::getType (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns the Type of a Node in the Node subclasses(here pure virtual). E.g. for the NodeGroup it returns NODE_GROUP

Implements Node.

virtual Node* NodeBox::copy (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Creates a new instance of that Node in the Node subclasses(here pure virtual).

Implements Node.

virtual int NodeBox::getNodeClass (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns a NODE_CHILD as a node class (used to validate the scene)

Reimplemented from Node.

void NodeBox::draw (  )  [virtual]

To be overriden by the subclasses

Reimplemented from Node.

void NodeBox::drawHandles (  )  [virtual]

To be overriden by the subclasses

Reimplemented from Node.

Vec3f NodeBox::getHandle ( int  handle,
int *  constraint,
int *  field 
) [virtual]

To be overriden by the subclasses

Reimplemented from Node.

void NodeBox::setHandle ( int  handle,
const Vec3f v 
) [virtual]

To be overriden by the subclasses

Reimplemented from Node.

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